It was almost 5 years ago today that I wrote my first Fashion-isha blog post titled 'Beautiful Essence'. I remember it clearly. I was standing in my kitchen with this intense, fiery feeling, similar to mild anxiety, that I must do this.
I had prepared a blog post for my friend Sarah Lasry of @Patchkeprincess, who had started the Kosher Street website and asked me to be her fashion columnist. At the time I was fearful and had no clue that I could write, but like I do every so often, I threw caution to the wind and jumped right in, working on my first post for her for days.
Unfortunately, her website didn't work out the way she intended it to, but the fire was alive in me, and the only thing that would relieve my anxiousness was to teach myself how to start a blog and just do it. It was a work of passion from the start.
I can proudly say that, as far as I know, and besides for Adi Heyman's finely curated Fabologie Facebook page, I was one of the first modest fashion bloggers of that era.
Me circa 2011 as newbie blogger
And, my how things have changed.In the last few years Instagram took over blogging, and there has been an explosion of 'mod bloggers,' many of whom I have become close friends and collaborators with. It's an exciting era, where modesty is the new cool, and Jewish modest fashion has morphed into a life of its own, gaining credence from the general public and being featured in the likes of Vogue, WWD, New York Times, and more. And I'm proud to have been able to help forge the path for some of this change.
@Fashionisha on Instagram
Recently, modest bloggers have been key influencers in some of the most dramatic trend shifts: Sneakers have become the new heels, frocks over leggings have become the new casual-chic uniform (remember when it was the kiki riki/pencilskirt/tights combo?), and midi length, previously considered the dreaded 'doody' length, has become the length du jour.
mod blogger @Such.A.Betty sports a chic midi skirt
And it's not the easy path. Life can be difficult and messy and scary and sad. But I prefer to turn my eyes towards the glorious, the beautiful, the positive and the good. And just because I try to look for joy, create it, and share it, doesn't mean that my life is perfect. It's far from it. Sometimes we get weighed down by all of its heaviness. Whether it's something as minor as piles of dishes and dirty laundry, or as major as the illness of a loved one, it's hard to stay focused and happy and inspired. But I remind myself daily that this is my duty to myself and to all of you. To forge ahead and carve out that happy path of positivity that leads to creativity, inspiration, and innovation. So with a brand new box of matches and a shiny new wick, I'm lighting that fire bright with some new and exciting ideas. Ideas that have been simmering slowly under a low flame of fear and procrastination. It's time to turn that fire up and cook that baby!
And, to be honest, it's really scary. The brain doesn't much like change. It cries, "You're doing just fine, why can't you just stay where your are?" But a flicker just won't do.
I'm proud to say that even in the midst of a lot going on in my life, I took a first step towards a new and exciting project, but before I went out there I grabbed my journal and wrote myself this letter:
Dear Sharon,
The world is yours for the taking. You have an incredible idea, an awesome audience and you can and will achieve success. You've already succeeded in many areas. If anyone can do it it's you. Just go out there and do it! Start small, take one small step, work it, love it, perfect it. This is the beginning of something great. Believe. Do. Just do. You just need to believe in your vision and do it.
And then I walked out the door.
Go ahead, write yourself the letter you need to receive. And then walk straight towards your dreams and never stop.
I can't wait for this year to unfold, and to share it with you. I won't be sitting on the sidelines, I'll be making it happen. And I hope you'll be a part of it!
What are some of your dreams that you're afraid to pursue? What's the very first step you need to take towards them? Can you do just that one step this week? Leave your dreams, fears and thoughts below in the comment section!
oK YOU mentioned to me that I should be on INSTAGRAM so i have to learn what it is and how to use it. Started 2016 with a new website with an shopping cart this time - hope purchases will be easier for customers and sales will go up!. Cant wait to see what your new project is.