It's Not Always Black and White

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hey there...for those of you who haven't heard, I recently became a grandma...yup, it's hard to believe but it's true. And ever since early, early last Tuesday morning, my life and has changed forever...once again. You see, I'm a mom of 5. And before each new child came along, I really had no idea how life would be after the baby came. And then all at once, I was in a new universe, and I couldn't imagine how life ever was before the baby. And it's kind of the same...kind of...becoming a grandma.

This is NOT my actual grandson...just a pretty photo from

I had no idea what it would be like to be a grandma. I heard many different things, but I now believe that each grandma's experience is very unique. For me, still being a young mom myself, and being really close with my daughter, it hasn't been a "hold-the-baby-for-five-minutes-and-give-back" experience at all. I've been more of  a mommy's-mommy grandma. The line is tight and close.
Besides for a couple of times when I briefly reminisced about what it was like to climb into my own bed without worrying about the baby waking up my daughter (which actually kind of felt the same as worrying if the baby would wake me), I've been entirely enmeshed in a different and wonderful universe.
I vaguely remember those days of peaceful bedtimes...

And amid helping my daughter get acclimated, caring for the baby (my favorite!), doing errands, preparing food, managing visits and feeding other family members, the lesson I have to keep remembering is that things are not always black and white.
Everyone needs to eat...preferably something more nutritious than this fabulous cake!

We must be flexible. Babies are unpredictable, and so are we. We have to learn to roll with the punches, go with the flow, and smile through the unexpected. And isn't that a life lesson for all of us always? Life is a constant metamorphosis.

Things may get stressful no matter where we are in life. And sometimes during the most wondrous times, the potential for stress (especially when combined with lack of sleep), can be at its highest. The key is to alway focus on the beautiful gifts right before our eyes.

Wishing you all a wonderful week...



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  1. Hi dear Sharon!

    Oh my...Congratulations dear grandmom!:-)))
    You made So wonderful So special post....:-)))
    I like your Story bewind of all these pics so lovely and just cute!!!
    How special to being grandmom I know it already... This is indeed really amorfer expirience!
    I am happy for you :)))
    I wish you to enjoy all moments with your Little one... That's so beautiful and every time is different!

    Wending to you my sunshine hugs,

  2. Congratulatins Grandma! How wonderful a new part of you too. I wish you all the best!


  3. Mazel tov!!!! The grandmas club is the best!!
    Wishing you loads of nachas!

  4. Mazel too! Amazing news. Hope all is resting well and happy and healthy!

  5. Hi Sharon! Congratulations to you & your daughter. Your post was so touching. You have to be one of the most beautiful people I've had the pleasure of meeting. Truly. I know you will get through this transition successfully because you have such great faith. Love you sweetie!

  6. Congratulations!!! If there's one thing my boys have taught me, it is that MY plan is not always the way it is going to go ... so sometimes I just need to chill out!! And I would really love to enjoy that beautiful cake!!!

  7. Oh my gosh - how wonderful. Congratulations!
    Being a Grandma is so incredible and rewarding - it's a different kind of love. My heart just brims over when my Granddaughter looks at me.
    Like me, you are a young Grandmother - and when I go out with my Granddaughter people always think that I am her mother. Your young and stylish - you will experience the same.
    I'm thrilled that I have the energy to enjoy my perky little sidekick, I melt when she calls my name.

    Wishing good health and happiness to your family and the new little prince.

  8. Oh Sharon! Congratulations! How every exciting. I'm the eldest in my family and I don't have any children, so my mother hasn't had that joy yet. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like! xoxox

  9. Congratulations !! I really love these things, i love family bond. You are really blessed with the most beautiful feeling :)

    Women's fashion

  10. So beautiful...big Congratulations to you, that is wonderful!! Many blessings to your family and the new blessing!! xx

  11. Congratulations on becoming a Grandma and as a young Mum yourself, you will know exactly how to give just the right support and help. Your daughter is so fortunate to have you there.

  12. Good morning gorgeous!

    Black and white, oh dear, what a great combo! My kitchen and dining room floors are the traditional black and white checks and I love it.

    Thank you for coming by to leave a comment! YES, I love to write on top of all the other artistic endeavors I engage in! FUN FUN FUN!

    Enjoy your day Sharon! Anita

  13. What a wonderful news, Sharon! Congratulations, you are the hottest sweetest Grandma out there! Enjoy ... Thanks for letting us know how it feels the second time around ((: as you are right, I cant even remember the feeling before my son was is like a different universe!
    hugs Z

  14. Congratulations and what a beautiful post !xo

  15. WOW! Congrats to you and your daughter. And good luck in your new trip in life as a grandma!

  16. Congratulations you youngest grandma ever! I love your thoughts and how close are you and your daughter. That's beautiful Sharon! I'm glad you have a positive attitude towards the sleepless nights, which is actually the hardest part because it's truly a joy to have one of those little things in the house.

  17. Beautiful words and photos. Congrats on becoming a grandma! :)

  18. Aw, CONGRATS Sharon..that is amazing! Relish it..I can only imagine how special it is to have your child have a beautiful child of their own.

  19. Wow, congratulations!!! Must feel great :)


  20. Sharon, in spite of the cold Chicago weather, what a very special time for you with your daughter and new grandchild ... creating memories that will last forever. So very happy for you ... sleep will be waiting when you've gotten your daughter and her new babe off to that so important start ... what a fun grandma you'll be! xoxo ~S

    SANDY M Illustration

  21. Congratulations! Being a grandmother must be wonderful!

  22. What a lucky little guy..and lucky family! Thanks for sharing this special time. I'm not a grandma (even though we are probably the same age) but I hear it's pure magic.... Enjoy!!

  23. Congratulation to your daughter Sharon
    Wonderful grandma you most be
    Cheers to the new addition
