A little mid-week inspiration

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

The world is such an amazing and miraculous place (check out this video and this article for examples that will blow your mind), and it's no coincidence that YOU are here in this world! Every one of us has the ability to make a difference. What we can do here is incredible and beyond our imagination, and if we would only realize a fraction of the abilities that G-d gave us, and the amount of impact we can have from tiny thoughts, words and actions, well, we would get to it already!

It was at a friend's birthday dinner one evening in the beginning of October that I confided to my friend Meira, "I feel like I lost myself a little, I'm just not feeling successful, like I'm lagging behind." I kind of expected wished for an appeasing answer like,  "Are you kidding? That's so not the case," but what I got kind of shocked me.  Acually, it changed my life.

           "Sharon, you are attracting all of that to your life!"

           "Excuse me? What do you mean I'm attracting that to my life? It's just how I'm feeling now."

           "Did you ever hear of the book The Secret? The law of attraction**?"

            "It sounds familiar..."

           "Sharon! What you think, feel and believe is what you attract. What do you want? Write it down, read it every day in the present tense, believe it is coming to you, and it will."

I left that dinner with a renewed sense of excitement. I could actually change what was happening to me. Of course, I knew that already. I've been saying it for years. But what I didn't realize was that creating myself and my life was about more than just actions. More than just fake it til you make it.  It was my thoughts about how I felt about myself that would determine who I actually was and what would be attracted to me. If I felt like I wasn't successful, I wouldn't be successful, and no one was coming to save me and prove to me that I was.

On the other hand, if I woke up with vigor every morning saying Thank you Hashem for this new day, for my sight, for my warm bed, for being able to walk to my shower, for hot water…thank you Hashem because I AM already having the BEST day, well then, I automatically become the luckiest person on earth, successful, happy, having the best day, and attracting more of that to my life.

Within the last 3 months I've achieved everything I set out to achieve. My Facebook and Instagram feed is filled with positive posts and messages, and I've been inspired to start my own video series. And the feedback has been incredible.

Speaking of which, here is my latest video:

 I I appreciate you subscribing to my YouTube Channel!

So, if things aren't working out for you, stop blaming others. In the end it's really up to you to get the results you want.

I know, we sometimes get trapped by fear. We all want to be great and do great things…to make an impact on the world…to mean something. And we get overwhelmed with the idea of doing BIG things...it's so hard and scary that we just give up and think the big things are for the other people.

But what I've learned the most in these last 3 months is that it's really the LITTLEST things that are the biggest things. A kind word, whether to a stranger, a friend, or yourself, can change an entire world. A positive thought can change the way you view yourself or someone you may be having a hard time with, which will change the way you act, which will change the way you're perceived, which will bring you what you desire. Get it??

So how do you go about changing your life? Start by saying STOP.  The next time you hear those negative, angry, worrisome, anxiety causing thoughts, say STOP.  Then quickly replace the negative thoughts with  something your are grateful for, or a positive affirmation or intention about yourself or your life or someone else. Now watch your entire life change.

With lots of love,


I know a lot of people out there could use this message so please share this post! And follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for lots of positivity, beauty and yes, fashion! 

**Note: For those who are wondering, according to Rabbi Trenk, the law of attraction is based in the Zohar and the Gemara and is one of the laws that Hashem placed in the universe for us to use to fulfill the incredible potential that He placed in all of us.

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  1. Very special doll. It is the smallest things we do that make the most impact when they are done with love xx

  2. True true true hi Sharon I love your blog I love how positive you are the world needs desperately people like you❤❤❤❤

  3. Oh Sharon, this post was so uplifting! I love reading your posts, ten if you're not talking about anything wild or exciting - you just always seem so positive and it always kinda rubs off on me :)

    Happy new year, I can't wait to see more of your posts!


  4. Thank you so much for that much needed message!!! I am so glad I found you out there in the blog world. You are many things beautiful, giving and loving, and I have never personally met you but I KNOW those things are true, keep making a difference !
    Xoxo Lisa
